Darwin/Second Voyage Around the World
Remake of Darwin's voyage on the bicentennial of his birth: DarwinDay 2009

The original Project - Charles Darwin /Second voyage around the world,
consists in making Darwin's Voyage again,

and rewrite Darwin's book (The Voyage of the
Beagle) making
a popular science book,
published in different languages at the same time.
(Travelling with Darwin, In viaggio con Darwin, Das Darwin Projekt, De Viaje con Dawin...)

Luca Novelli's new books and new adventure at the Frankfurt Bookfair 2014 : Sri Lanka Paradise Project
Capo Verde - Rio de Janejro -
Uruguay & Argentina -
Chile - Peru' - Galapagos
Tahiti -New Zealand - Australia - Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Site map
Contacts: info@darwin2.org
